Information Technology Program Awards

ITP faculty, staff, and students are constantly working to better themselves and those around them. This is what makes ITP as great as it is. Below is a list of recent awards given to ITP faculty, staff, and students for their excellence.
All Awards
ITP Awards
Viterbi Awards
USC Awards
External Awards
Student Awards


Golden Apple Award, Marshall MBA

The Golden Apple Awards are given annually to outstanding Marshall faculty members in recognition of their excellence in teaching. Awards are given for teaching in the Marshall MBA program core, the Marshall MBA.PM program core and for Marshall’s graduate elective classes. Students in each of the three award categories vote for the professor who they think best exemplifies the qualities represented by the Golden Apple.

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Mike Lee

Senior Lecturer of Information Technology 
and Industrial and Systems Engineering

Mike Lee


Hanna Reisler Mentorship Award

The Hanna Reisler Mentorship Award recognizes individuals at USC who have advanced the careers of women in science and engineering through generous and committed professional mentorship. Trina Gregory was given this award for being a prime example of mentorship at USC, and for her dedicated mentoring of faculty and students, especially women.

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Trina Gregory

Associate Professor of Information Technology Practice

Trina Gregory
Published on June 2nd, 2021Last updated on May 8th, 2023