ITP Faculty Awards Spring 2020
Trina Gregory
Hanna Reisler Mentorship Award

The Hanna Reisler Mentorship Award is named in honor of one of our founding faculty members and the many years she has dedicated to mentoring faculty and especially women at USC. The Hanna Reisler Mentorship Award recognizes individuals at USC who have advanced the careers of women in science and engineering through generous and committed professional mentorship. Trina Gregory was given this award for being the prime example of mentorship at USC, and for her dedicated mentoring of faculty and students, especially women.
Kendra Walther
Dean's Award for Innovation in Teaching and Education

Erik Johnson, USC Viterbi vice dean for academic affairs, granted awards to Trojan professors who had demonstrated exemplary instruction tactics. Vice Dean Johnson presented Kendra Walther with the Dean’s Award for Innovation in Teaching and Education, citing her implementation of active learning strategies in the classroom and her facilitation of workshops to train other faculty in these techniques.
Nitin Kale
John O'Brien Faculty Award for Service

Each year the Viterbi School of Engineering selects a faculty member for outstanding service to the School. The John O’Brien Faculty Award for Service was granted to Nitin Kalé, an associate professor in the Information Technology Program (ITP). Dean Yortsos pointed out Nitin’s work in expanding the ITP program, citing his creation of the Applied Analytics minor, now the most popular minor at the university. “Whether pedagogically, academically or programmatically, Nitin has left an indelible mark on ITP,” said Dean Yortsos.